• the bible

    Though many will call this just a book of good moral instruction, it is truly the Words of God to mankind.  It tells the story of Jesus: from the beginning when He made the universe and all we see, to the time The Father gave His Son Jesus to this earth to save it and redeem it.  Jesus shows us how to live and why.  Jesus lays down His life for all sin and is raised from the tomb by God the Father to a place of Glory.  God the Father sent us the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us into all TRUTH - the TRUTH of His Holy Word (The Bible) - The inspired Word of God. 

  • prayer

    Prayer is not only vital for your own life but also in lives around us. Jesus calls us to pray all through His Word. Prayer is coming to, talking, and communicating with an Almighty, Sovereign, Just, Gracious, and All Loving God.  We come to Him in confidence knowing His Holy Word and standing on the Laid Foundation of Christ Jesus. We need to Pray continually by humbly submitting to our King of kings. 

  • We just completed a fresh water well in Masiaka Africa. We believe in the mission of Jesus.  We want to extend our hands to those in need.  To be blessed is not found in what we process, but by how we give to those in need. We need to be praying for our brothers and sisters all over this world who are facing trials, tribulations, and persecutions. Be involved in God's plan by sowing into His Gospel projects.

  • music

    Giving our Loving God praise is expressed in many ways.  Music is just one beautiful way to tell Jesus you Love Him. Music helps us unify together with songs of the heart. Worshipful Music can lead us close to the presence of God.  Music that is lifted up to our God can take us to places where our spirits can rejoice and be filled, and our hearts are moved to righteous action to bring Him His due Glory.

  • life groups

    Life groups are a great way to get to know each other and meet the needs of those in the family of Rush.  Sharing truth in love is the source of great encouragement. The Gospel is the answer to all we face together. It brings Light to areas where we do not see clearly.  We need each other and sharing life together leads us to living out our faith. Faith without good deeds is dead.

  • outreach

    Reaching those around you is actually a commandment of Jesus.  He tells us to go and make disciples of all nations. It is sharing the love of Jesus through His Word and Good deeds of faith. Join us in our neighborhoods with our events and socials.

    Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:46,47